#6 Artificial Intimacy: The Digital Heartbreak

From Snapchat's MyAI to AI Girlfriends: Unpacking Gen-Z's Drive towards Predictable Connections

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Top Ideas From The Podcast:

  • Lean Into Unfarmiliar Because There Lies the Opportunity

  • Gen- Z Driving Artificial Intimacy

  • Why Do People Want An AI Girlfriend?

    The AI Girlfriend is here….bruh 🫠 

Lean Into the Unfarmiliar 🫢 

Lean into the unfamiliar; therein lies the opportunity. When observing peculiar behaviours related to product or service use, one shouldn't dismiss them. Instead, we need to lean in and understand the behaviour. The early version of Twitter in 2007, where users texted a number to post online. While this might have seemed inefficient and strange, it revealed a human inclination to share personal moments online, leading to the rise of social media. When evaluating such behaviours, we must also ask ourselves, can this scale? It might be the next big thing if many people can engage in this behaviour. Often, these opportunities are hidden, nonsensical actions and can be easily overlooked by many.

Gen-Z Driving Artificial Intimacy

In 2023, Snapchat's newly introduced MyAI feature had high engagement, with 20% of its 750 million users sending 10 billion messages across various topics, from creativity and cars to pets and beauty. The diverse conversations highlight the younger generation's comfort with chatbots and suggest they find value in these interactions. This high level of engagement, combined with Snapchat's vast user base, signifies the potential for the conversational AI aspect to develop into a significant business avenue, especially when considering the platform's established scalability and users' existing relationship with AI-driven features.

Traffic of other Conversational AI Tools

  • CharacterAI = 189M Per Month

  • Replica: 10M App Downloads

  • My Dream GF: 7M Per month

🎯Why Do People Want an AI Girlfriend?

The modern landscape of online dating has led to a commercialisation of intimacy, where online interactions cause individuals to be desensitised and intimacy-avoidant. Platforms like Tinder have users navigating a challenging cycle of hope and rejection, often amplifying the fear of uncertainty. When they finally meet potential partners, they tend to seek perfection, quickly dismissing those who don't meet a stringent checklist. This approach overlooks the unique quirks that intrigue individuals, resulting in a repeated pattern of disappointment.

Such experiences in the digital dating world are driving a growing interest in AI relationships or chatbots. These AI entities offer controlled, predictable engagements, shielding users from the complexities and surprises of human relationships. The rise in their appeal indicates a desire for simpler, more predictable intimacy, given the challenges of today's online dating platforms.

What I Read This Week: